Embrace RF

The World’s Most Anticipated Innovation in Facial Aesthetics

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Like No Other! The Surgeon's Precision Tool

EmbraceRF is the perfect answer for patients who are not yet ready for a facelift but want optimal outcomes. EmbraceRF addresses skin laxity across the lower face and neck areas. 

EmbraceRF introduces the concept of adipose-remodelling of the face. This minimally invasive procedure generates heat with RF (radio frequency) technology to strategically reduce and contour the fat of the lower face to augment the jawline and rejuvenate the neck. 

This new concept of facial rejuvenation is unique and the devices included in this multiplatform can be used independently or in conjunction according to clients’ unique anatomy, needs and aesthetic goals. The combination of FaceTite or AccuTite and Morpheus8 serves to remodel the underlying tissues while simultaneously achieving skin rejuvenation through promoting collagen production. The final result is a sculpted, more youthful appearance with a smooth and refined skin tone. 


Can be performed under local anaesthesia

Minimal downtime

Real time measurements of skin temperature for treatment comfort

Technologies on EmbraceRF

AccuTite is the smallest minimally invasive radio-frequency contraction device on the market. AccuTite delivers precision heating to small and delicate areas of the face and body

An advanced contouring system to treat a patient’s face and their small areas. FaceTite is minimally invasive and is the next best alternative to facelifts without the invasive surgery.

RF Microneedling technology to target deep layers of a patient’s skin and remodel collagen.

How EmbraceRF Works

EmbraceRF utilises minimally invasive and non-invasive techniques to resculpt the tissues at a subdermal level, along with rejuvenating the skin at a dermal level. Percutaneous radiofrequency-based skin tightening procedures require only a local anaesthetic and operate to break down excess fat while prompting the body to produce higher levels of collagen while tightening the skin. 

AccuTtite, FaceTite and Morpheus8 offer a more custom solution to cater to areas as delicate as around the cheeks, jaw and neck without requiring surgery. They offer shorter downtime with a significantly reduced risk of secondary complications and side effects compared to conventional surgery. 


AccuTite is not only InMode’s smallest minimally invasive device but also the smallest of its kind on the market. It’s the ultimate solution for treating the small, delicate and hard-to-reach areas due to its short and delicate cannula. The radiofrequency heat contracts the tissues for a more sculpted and youthful appearance, without leaving scars. 

It’s especially indicated for patients who need precision fat reduction or skin contraction. Procedures with AccuTite are entirely non-excisional, can be completed in less than 20 minutes by a doctor and require only local anaesthetic. 


FaceTite utilises the same RF technology as AccuTite but operates with a slightly longer cannula. It offers a non-surgical facelift by working in the subdermal plane to coagulate fat and contract the skin. 

With innovative and cutting-edge technology, FaceTite has a directional thermal field with a 100% energy concentration in the treatment zone. This facilitates exceptionally precise procedures that deliver superior results. 


Morpheus8 is InMode’s premier, award-winning RF micro-needling device. Capable of dermal resurfacing, collagen remodelling and deeper subdermal sculpting, its versatility and advanced technology set it apart. 

Depending on the attachment tip you use, Morpheus8 offers an ultra-shallow 0.5mm penetration for skin resurfacing, ranging up to a higher 4mm to 5mm depth, including the thermal profile to reach subdermal levels. The radiofrequency passes between the microneedles, targeting the Fibro-Septal Network (FSN) skin-fat matrix and strengthening it in the process. This minimally invasive treatment results in improved skin texture, reduced irregularities and a more sculpted appearance.

How It Works

Benefits of Radiofrequency-Based for Skin Tightening

The full spectrum of EmbraceRF’s technologies is non-excisional and aspiration-free. This delivers scar-free procedures that take significantly less time to achieve than conventional surgical facelifts while still delivering superior, natural-looking results. 

Due to the exceptionally precise and minimally invasive nature of the FaceTite, AccuTite and Morpheus8, patients will only need a local anaesthetic for their treatment. 

Treatments are completed in shorter sessions and only require minimal downtime for recovery afterwards. The results improve gradually over the following months and are entirely scar-free. 

The EmbraceRF platform offers more control and customisation with devices that can be used as their own or in successive treatments to achieve the desired results. 

Rapid, ongoing and real-time skin temperature monitoring is sustained throughout the treatment. This ensures patient comfort, while also maintaining the optimal therapeutic level for the best results. 

EmbraceRF can be used to improve a broad range of concerns spanning from skin laxity to excess fatty deposits, resulting in more youthful, taught skin with improved texture and a greater degree of definition. 

Percutaneous radiofrequency-based skin tightening procedures can offer patients an option to undergo a potential treatment for skin laxity and excess adipose of the face and neck with less downtime, lower cost, and decreased risk of complications compared with more aggressive open procedures such as neck lift, face and neck lift, and platysmaplasty.
















Why Investing in EmbraceRF by InMode Is the Right Decision for Your Business

The demand for face contouring and skin tightening is increasing. Clients are seeking non-surgical, natural-looking results that don’t carry the potential side effects, costs, and downtime associated with conventional surgery. EmbraceRF offers those natural-looking results with customisable treatment plans and shorter, less invasive procedures. The results speak for themselves, with treatments that are shorter, incredibly effective, and faster for patients to recover from. 

No two clients are the same and their anatomy and aesthetic goals must be treated uniquely. Due to the variable specifications and design of these technologies, they can be used across a broad range of zones in the face, putting greater precision and control in the hands of doctors. Whether your clients are looking for non-surgical options or you’re seeking to expand your offerings in a clinical setting, EmbraceRF is the premier choice to achieve both. 

Why Choose InMode for RF Technology?

With clinically proven results, optimised power output and more comfortable treatments for clients, InMode’s RF technology is pioneering in the aesthetics industry. Depending on the device application, RF can be used to reduce fat, improve skin tone and texture, along with delivering highly effective skin tightening for a more youthful appearance. 

For the most advanced models of FaceTite and Morpheus8 yet, consider IgniteRF, complete with the full spectrum of InMode’s top face and body contouring technologies. When you’re utilising InMode technology, your clinic gains access to the latest information and training, along with ongoing support and the opportunity to expand your clientele through our Find a Provider resource.

Clinical Papers

Download our clinical studies for EmbraceRF below.

Clinical Study

Multimodal Radiofrequency Application for Lower Face and Neck Laxity

Authors: Dayan, Rovatti, Asten, Chia, Rohrich, Theodorou

Clinical Study

Face Expressive Lifting (fel): An Original Surgical Concept Combined with Bipolar Radiofrequency

Authors: Divaris, Blugerman, Paul.


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